
Sailing the Whitsundays – Disconnect to Reconnect

In today’s modern world, we are all getting busier.  We are time poor and with the invasion of social media in recent years, family time is rare, but more importantly -priceless.

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Gold Coast’s Most Instagramable Locations

It’s the new trend. We are all travelling more and with this, comes sharing our adventures on Social Media.  Often, a great “Instagramable” location can determine our destination choice.  In fact, many people travel to a location purely with the aim of getting that perfect “Instagram shot”.

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Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Most of us have travelled to Sydney, but if you’re anything like me, every trip has been for a purpose – work, or an event.  The cosmopolitan capital is not somewhere that I would usually go for a “holiday”, yet there are so many things on  my bucket list that I just never seem to find the time to tick off.

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Straight to the Heart of the Outback

One of the most distinctive and beautiful things about Australia is its contrasting landscapes. From the pristine beaches, to the lush rainforest and barren outback. With more and more people traveling and many tourist destinations becoming overcrowded, the trend is changing to travelers looking for more unique experiences.  Particularly with social media, everyone wants that rare selfie, something that’s going to go viral, not the same old shots that have been done to death.

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Sunshine Coast Hinterland

The Sunshine Coast is one of Queensland’s most popular tourist destinations.   After all, it boasts beautiful beaches and great seaside towns that provide a perfect getaway, particularly for visitors from South East Queensland like the Gold Coast.  Yet for the many of those that vacation to the Sunshine Coast, they miss some of the best that it has to offer – its gardens and natural landscapes.
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The Whitsundays They’ve Been Hiding From You

We’ve all heard of the Whitsundays.  Seen countless images of the gorgeous white sandy beaches of Whitehaven beach, Hayman Island, Hamilton Island and the likes.  But did you know that the Whitsundays consists of 74 islands, many of which are uninhabited?  This region is so much more than the postcard images that we’ve seen and love.  I’ve journeyed to the Whitsundays on so many occasions but was excited to have the opportunity to discover some of its more hidden gems.

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Noosa with Pindara Magazine

I always feel like it is a privilege to be paid to travel to such incredible destinations and share my images and stories.  Constantly pinching myself that this is my life!  So lucky.  This the latest edition of Pindara Magazine on the Gold Coast with a story from a trip to Noosa.

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San Francisco’s Must Visit Tourist Spots

I think I have found my new favourite place in the USA.  San Francisco is full of quirky streets, hills, buildings, the Bay and most of all, character!  It’s such a hip place rich in personality.  There’s so many diverse things to see and do, I don’t know where to start.  For one thing, with all the colour and charisma, it’s not only a tourist’s dream location, it’s a photographer’s paradise.

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