Making the Most of Isolation

Who would have ever believed that in 2020, the world would go into complete lock down and we would be isolated in our homes for an indefinite period whilst Health Organisations globally deal with a medical pandemic! It is the stuff of science fiction and in generations to come, people will be talking about and learning what is happening to us right now.

A big decision we all need to make is how to deal with the crisis. Many, thank goodness are choosing to follow Government guidelines and stay indoors where possible. We do this not only for our own health and to try and stop the spread of this highly contagious virus, but also to try and minimise damage to our economy. Staying at home may be tough, but ultimately, it is the right thing to do for not only ourselves, but everyone, everywhere.

The next question is, we are isolated at home. How do we handle it? In a world of everyone being too busy, never having enough time, always stressed out and frazzled, this is the perfect opportunity to stop, focus and re-set.

Sure this is a bad situation. Many of us are going to suffer long term financial damage. I have not taken on any new photography work outside my home for 2 weeks now. Not only am I uncertain when I will be able to go back to photography, but I’m a little concerned about whether all the goodwill and relationships I had built up with clients will just pick up where it left off, or will I have to start again.

But I avoid looking too far into the future. And I avoid being dragged into a negative space. I always try and surround myself with positive, happy people and this usually self perpetuates.

So whilst I’m at home, I’m cleaning out, de-cluttering, sorting my computer files, my office, spending time my my girls, my husband, cooking and actually, so far, I’m enjoying it.

More importantly, as I have been self isolating for a while now, and the studio I usually use is off limits, I have set up a studio at home. I’ve been working with local small business who are using this crisis as a way to create innovative products – sanitiser, masks, foods and more. I am messing around with lighting and different techniques. And most importantly, my daughter is finally getting bored enough with isolation that she is letting me use her as a model to practice – I feel like I’ve won the happiness lotto.

So yes, this situation is horrible. People are suffering and dying all around the world. But make a choice about how you are going let this pandemic shape your time now and your future. When life gives you lemons …..

Stay safe! xox

Images from a recent shoot of a local Gold Coast business showing innovation by creating masks to help prevent people from touching their faces and contracting virus. Shot from my studio at home.

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