What Inspires You?

There is usually something from way back to leads you to the career path you take. Someone or something that inspires you. For me, it was Formula 1 Driver Ayrton Senna.

1 May this year marked the 26th year anniversary of his death. I was lucky enough to meet him once in 1993 but I didn’t “know” him personally yet he was probably one of the biggest influences in my life. He was the most dedicated, focussed and passionate man and his will to succeed was inspiring.

As a child growing up, watching Formula 1 racing with my big brother, we would argue about who was the best. For me, it was a no brainer. Anyone willing to sacrifice everything to achieve his dream, thats the sort of person I wanted to be like. It was his passion that motivated my photography ambitions and I started my career as a motorsport photographer – way back in the day of pre-digital and slides.

I was living in the UK when he was tragically killed at the Imola F1 Grand Prix and I, like many people around the world, was devastated.

These are some of the images I was lucky enough to snap of him both at the Adelaide and Silverstone Grand Prix.

RIP to a great man.

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